Thursday, March 18, 2010


I feel certain I've seen this before, but I really needed to see it today.  It's almost 9 minutes long and you'll probably need some tissue.

God says it is our job to be outrageously loved. He loves you 100% as you are right now. A powerful word spoken by Graham Cooke and music by Jonathan David Helser...believe truth about how God sees...

Lent Day 26: The Book of Acts

God says, what My Son began through His birth, life, death, resurrection, and ascension, He now continues.

You are not alive in this world in order to experience Me or to enjoy the blessings of a comfortable life. If that were My purpose, I'd have brought you into My Presence in heaven the moment you were forgiven and adopted into My family.

Your purpose until you die is to reveal a new attitude toward suffering and a new agenda in prayer that flows out of your new purpose in life that makes sense only if you claim your new hope of resurrection.

You are now free from slavery to the demands of self: for recognition, for life to go as you want, for good health and prosperity, for freedom from emptiness, and for the experience of fullness.

You are now free to advance the only plan whose promise of joy will be kept.

You are now free to tell people the full message of this new life.

You are now free to really live!

From from 66 Love Letters: A Conversation with God that Invites You into His Story by Dr. Larry Crabb, ©2009


Andrea said...

Thankful HE loves me just the way I am.

Unknown said...

Thankful for you and your words of encouragement!

PJ said...

Hey Cathy! That was really pretty. I forgot to mention it on this post, but since you left me a comment, you will be entered into my Book Give-Away. The title is "Should We Fire God?-Finding Hope In God When We Don't Understand//Jim Pace. It's really a good book.

God Bless!


quilly said...

Outstanding video. We are outrageously loved.