I had a good flight over here. I spotted some ladies in capris when I was switching planes and found out they were from Birmingham too! We had a long layover in Memphis, and it was really nice to have some peeps to talk to.
We rode a shuttle to our respective hotels and ran into more Siestas! One of them has had Mama Siesta stay in her house! I felt like I was in the presence of royalty, I tell you.
I've walked around and almost gotten lost in the square area. It's hot outside! While walking around, I spotted more groups of women wearing capris and ventured to talk to some of them. I pegged it - they were going to see Mama Siesta too!
I had to log on and get my instructions for the SF armband thingy so I thought I'd post real quick about my trip. Oh, by the way, I've had almost little to no sleep (maybe 2 hours last night; a short nap on the flight; and that's it). I betcha I stay awake all night tonight and tomorrow night!
I can't wait to meet some new friends (even though it's hard for someone so shy like myself).

For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jer. 29:11
Cathy -- sounds like your weekend started out wonderfully! can't wait to hear the rest of the story,
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