Monday, September 28, 2009

Changes in Attitudes

Attitudes of the flesh:

Pride asks: “How will it make me look?”
Greed asks: “What can I get out of it?”
Indifference asks:”Why should I bother?”
Selfishness asks: “What about me?”

The Cross of Jesus Christ puts to death the following attitudes:
SPITE “See, I told you so.”
REBELLION “I want my own way.”
IMPATIENCE “I want it now!”
CONTEMPT “Who do you think you are!”
PRIDE “You can’t treat me that way!”
REVENGE “I’ll get even.”
DEFIANCE “You can’t tell me what to do.”
SELFISHNESS “I did it my way.”

Heart Attitudes of the Kingdom:
“How may I serve you?’
“I will wait for God’s time.”
“I will not carry a grudge.”
“I am not my own.”
“This job is not beneath me.”
“I extend mercy instead of judgment.”
“I honor you.”
“Will this please the Lord?”
“By the grace of God I am what I am.”
“Thy will be done.”
“I did it God’s way.”

From the blog of Roy Lessin


Cathy said...

That's good!

Mocha with Linda said...


I didn't know he had a blog. I have sent so many Christmas cards with his poems/thoughts.

Lora said...

"I will wait for God's time." I needed to hear that sweet reminder today!


PJ said...

Hey Cathy! Great posts as usual! You inspire me! Just wanted to let you know I did get a "Search the Bible" widget, but I got it through Gateway. Thank you so much for your enthusiasm, and encouragement. You are a blessing to all who read your blog, I'm sure.

I wanted to ask you about the "prayers for India trip", are you going, or are you sending up prayers for those who are going? I think being a missionary would be awesome, don't you? If I were 30 years younger and not married, (in other words, if I had it to do all over again, and knew what I know now about the Lord, I would definitely want to be a missionary to Foreign Missions. I can't think of a bigger blessing. Ok, my dime's out of time.

Love ya!


Unknown said...

Good one, like the way the conversation been explained. keep posting

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