Thursday, November 3, 2011

A Word to Wives from Shirley Rice

On September 4, 2011, I sat through a sermon which made me absolutely miserable. It wasn't that the material was bad or delivered poorly - quite the opposite was true. Our pastor is godly man who has been given a beautiful gift of teaching and sharing. The material was God honoring and timely. Just...not for me. The name of the sermon? "Discovery Christ's Joy in Marriage"

I'm currently separated from my husband without any thought of their being a reconciliation. I suspect our divorce will be filed shortly and our marriage will be ended. So, this was a hard sermon for me to hear. (Honestly, if you're married, you should listen to the sermon - it is really good.)

But, there was one thing that our pastor shared that I wanted to pass along to you. They are from Shirley Rice. On my sheet it's entitled, "A Word to Wives" from Shirley Rice". Take these words to heart:

"Are you in love with your husband? Not, Do you love him? I know you do. He has been around a long time, and you’re used to him. He is the father of your children.

But are you in love with him?

How long has it been since your heart really squeezed when you looked at him?

 ... Why is it you have forgotten the things that attracted you to him at rst?
... By the grace of God, I want you to start changing your thought pattern.

Tomorrow morning, get your eyes off the toaster or the baby bottles long enough to LOOK at him. Don’t you see the way his coat ts his shoulders? Look at his hands. Do you remember when just to look at his strong hands made your heart lift? Well LOOK at him and remember.

Then loose your tongue and tell him you love him.

Will you ask the Lord to give you a sentimental, romantic, physical, in-love kind of love for your husband? He will do this.

His love in us can change the actual physical quality of our love for our husbands."
Ladies, allow me to speak honestly. If you aren't loving on your husband in this way - there is someone else who will (at least temporarily). Instead of looking at all he doesn't do or isn't, focus on what made you fall in love with him in the first place. (Remember your first love, as Christ tells His church.) I pray God fills you with love for your husband that is overwhelming and beautiful and that your husband will be filled with the same love for you.

My heart is overwhelmed with love for you. By His grace and mercy, I bring this to you.


Unknown said...

HI Cathy, I was so blessed by this post! I found you through your comment on Beth Moore's blog and I am thankful I did! I needed to hear this and what a great reminder! I am going to share it on my blog too! I look forward to returning to glean wisdom from you! Thank you sista in Christ. P.S. i am your most recent follower :)