Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Costa Rica update

We've received two emails about the trip so far. Sounds like all is going well. (This is hard not being able to talk to your child!!)


Hello family and friends,

This is Amber from Pam’s email. Pam wanted to let you know that everyone arrived safely yesterday to the airport. They had a nice dinner and got some rest. Today, they traveled to their base camp. They said that the countryside was gorgeous and rainy. They are looking forward to their first work day tomorrow!

Please respond with any questions.

Have a great day!



This is Amber again with an update from the Costa Rica Team.

Pam said that the first 2 days of work were great. Currently, they are working at two separate work sites, and everyone is working very hard. They were also able to share the Gospel in town. They had a great time of worship Sunday night and are looking forward to the coming days. Pam said, “We are going to church tonight. Hope it is as amazing as Sunday was. Groups are going each day to share. At least six have come to know Christ and many are being visited and discipled. We are being stretched.”

Continue to pray for the team!

Panta ta ethne,
