Sunday, February 21, 2010

P.S. It's Sunday

Heart to Heart with Holley has started something neat over on her blog (well, she has started several neat things).  It's called P.S. It's Sunday.  P.S. means Prayer & Share.  Join in where you leave a comment asking for prayer, maybe pray for someone else and then leave a link of a post sharing something God is doing in your life or your heart for other people to read.  I have to say that my last post of something God is doing in my life was about  my trip to December! Oh, I must do a better blogging job! 

Anyway, go on over to Holley's blog.  She's a precious soul and you'll be glad you did. 

If you'd rather not, but you would like prayer or to share a link here, please do so!  It would be my privilege to pray for you.