Sunday, February 5, 2012

Married Mom, Solo Parent

Married Mom, Solo Parent
Finding God's Strength to Face the Challenge

Bookstore shelves are full of parenting resources for moms who are newly divorced or widowed. But where do moms turn if they feel like a single parent--but they’re not? Whether he is away on business, deployed in the military, or obsessing over a computer game, dad may not be available for a variety of reasons. Moms who parent in this situation still need help and don’t necessarily relate to the advice given in divorce recovery or single parenting resources.

Married Mom, Solo Parent is a common-sense, down-to-earth look at the struggles wives and mothers face when their husband is not actively involved in family life. Writing from her own experience as a married single mom, Carla Anne Coroy will help wives and mothers sort through their questions, such as: Can I do this alone? How do I raise kids to honor their father? How do I give my children a healthy perspective of marriage if they never see one in action? With practical suggestions, anecdotes, and biblical teaching, this book will encourage moms to see their position as a high calling, to find healing for their worries and frustrations, and to tap into God’s strength for help in facing the daily challenge of being a married mom, solo parent.

Short Biography: Carla Anne Coroy has served full-time with organizations such as Youth for Christ and Crown Financial Ministries, and is currently developing an international mentoring organization for youth and a ministry to wives who parent alone. She runs the Married Single Mom blog at She speaks regularly and serves as a staff writer for an online Christian women’s magazine Mentoring Moments for Christian Women. Carla Anne lives in Canada with her husband and four homeschooled children.

My review:
I appreciate someone acknowledging the fact that many moms are married, yet parenting solo. When my girls were little, their dad was first in the Air Force and traveled constantly and then he had a contractor job and was gone for long stretches of time. It was always a struggle when he was gone and then when he returned. If you are a married mom but parenting solo, then I would highly recommend this book for you. You are not alone!

Thank you Kregel and Carla Anne for the free review copy and the privilege of writing a review.


Carla Anne said...

And thank YOU Cathy, for a great review! I trust you were blessed by the book.

Carla Anne