Friday, November 9, 2012

Healing is a Choice

Healing Is a Choice 10 Decisions That Will Transform Your Life and 10 Lies That Can Prevent You From Making Them

By Steve Arterburn
Published by Thomas Nelson

Do you want to get well?

The power to heal—physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually—is in God's hands. But the choice to be healed is ours. Everyone, at some level, needs healing. In this book, Stephen Arterburn outlines ten choices crucial to receiving healing and ten lies that can prevent us from making them. Readers will find the wholeness God desires for them in a practical and prayerful way through this book.

Now including the full workbook, this combined release emphasizes the fact that we must choose to let the hurt go and let the healing begin.

The book asks the participant, "Do you want to be healed?" If the answer is yes, then ten choices are provided to make the path toward healing a restorative experience.

My thoughts:
I heard Stephen Arterburn speak at a Women of Faith event I attended not that long ago. His story, in some ways, was similar to mine. A heart betrayed, a marriage bond broken, a person trying to make the best out of what she had been given. I was impressed when he spoke about his bonus children from his "new" marriage. Because of his sharing, I chose this book to read and review. 

Have you ever gotten a book and thought about all the people the book could help - if they would only just pick it up, read it and follow through with the steps? That is how I felt about this book. It's not just a self help book - but more of a guide for having your hurts healed in a God honoring way, written by a man who writes about his own experiences. 

Brother or sister - do you need to heal? Then allow the material in this book to help guide your path. It's well written and enjoyable to read.

I received this book from Thomas Nelson in exchange for an honest review. Thank you, Thomas Nelson!

1 comments: said...

A Christian Help Hotline Resulted From This One Book and The Help It Gave so Many...
I was at a Women of Faith Conference and heard Steve Arterburn speak a few years ago. I was hurting at the time. I found his words to be like salve to my open wounds. During the break, I looked at the chapter titles of his book and each one spoke to my broken heart. His circumstances were very different from mine, but I realized that I could make some choices that would allow healing to begin. We began a group at our church called, Healing is a Choice, and out of it came lives that were changed and healed. Many went on to help, encourage, teach and support others. Others went on to be a part of a support ministry called Christian Help Hotline. The website is They are the Survivors. They found freedom from their painful circumstances and now offer Hope to other Christians who want to Heal. His book has impacted the lives of many people in our community. God used it as one of the ways He brought healing into my life. We found that when one person is transparent with their life, their failures and the work that God is doing, it encourages others. A whole lot of good came from that came from that one Women of Faith Conference and this book.